Friday, March 14, 2008

Hipster DJs



This picture was taken at SXSW. I won't diss the blog I got it from by naming it. What's wrong with this picture?


On one turntable you have a laptop. On the other turntable you have a stuffed animal. The other guy is mixing up a can of beer. That douche isn't even wearing headphones, so let's say he isn't a DJ and just a guy who thinks that wearing a polo with an hoodie that has a fast food step-and-repeat is cool. Are you just playing some tracks from iTunes? Are you using some software that auto-mixes? Are you checking your MySpace?

When I see you DJing, it better sound like a party and you better be sweating cuz you're working really hard. I don't want to see 9 people with American Apparel (read previous post) all giggling around a mixer and 234 laptops. "YAY. DJing is fun! This picture will be on a BLOG! I'm so trill!"

Fuck you.

1 comment:

DJ Strobe said...

Dont you know Zimmie, everyones a DJ now. If you have 2 songs, people are gonna mix em. And if you wear some headphones, then you're truly legit.